Friday, November 8, 2013

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

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Pataskala Council at Large
Total Number of Precincts  8
Precincts Reporting  8 100.0%
Total Votes      6118
Timothy Hickin   1320 21.58%
Todd W Barstow   1306 21.35%
Bryan Lenzo      1248 20.40%
Jack A Treinish  1124 18.37%
C Bernard Brush  1120 18.31%

Southwest Licking BOE
Total Number of Precincts  17 
Precincts Reporting  17 100.0%
Total Votes  10753 
Roger Zeune      2272 21.13%
Daniel J Bell    2269 21.10%
Donald L Huber   2214 20.59%
Andy Leachman    2078 19.32%
John Y Vincent   1920 17.86%

Etna Twp Trustee
Number of Precincts  9 
Precincts Reporting  9 100.0%
Total Votes  4191 
John J Carlisle  1466 34.98%
Randy Foor       1463 34.91%
Kathy Johnston   1262 30.11%

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

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Version 1.0 of the Simple API for XML (SAX), created collectively by the membership of the XML-DEV mailing list, is hereby released into the public domain. No one owns SAX: you may use it freely in both commercial and non-commercial applications, bundle it with your software distribution, include it on a CD-ROM, list the source code in a book, mirror the documentation at your own web site, or use it in any other way you see fit. David Megginson, Megginson Technologies Ltd. 1998-05-11

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I hereby abandon any property rights to SAX 2.0 (the Simple API for XML), and release all of the SAX 2.0 source code, compiled code, and documentation contained in this distribution into the Public Domain. SAX comes with NO WARRANTY or guarantee of fitness for any purpose. David Megginson, Megginson Technologies Ltd. 2000-05-05

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Sunday, January 13, 2013

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Jan 8, 2010, 12:13pm EST
#Empty Brice Outlet mall acquired
An Orlando, Fla.-based developer has become the owner of #CinemaCityatMarketPlaceMovieTavern inside the
#MarketPlaceoftheamericas #BriceMallInnovativeInvestmentsLLC purchased the vacant 175,000-square-foot shopping center and
two outparcels from #BriceRoadAssociatesLtdofDayton for $1.3 million.
#ColliersTurleyMartinTuckerCo #KevinJames, principal and vice president, and #JeffBaur , second vice president, brokered
the deal, which was disclosed Friday.
The #newowner #ExecutivesattheFloridabusiness could not be reached immediately for comment.
The seller, a subsidiary of #DaytonbasedObererDevelopmentCo  bought the retail property for $7.5 million in 1995 from
#DeVilleDevelopmentInc  the original owner.
The mall was opened up as the marketplace of the americas #cinemacityatmarketplacemovietavern was opened by
#coveryourassetsII #anohiocompany in #2012
#johnzarlino has been informed that the new owners may be #thelindsay family.
#contactjohnzarlino #16144480090 for correct facts.

Dec 16, 2011, 6:00am EST
The future of an abandoned 200,000-square-foot supermarket building on Columbus’ southeast side isn’t clear, but it is a
little less cloudy.

Automobile dealer Steven Lindsay, through an affiliate, has acquired the 32-acre site from Grand Rapids, Mich.-based Meijer
Inc. for $429,000. Meijer ran one of its grocery and general merchandise stores there before pulling out three years ago as
the area began to struggle in the face of competition.

“I love this area and I’m trying to do something positive for this area,” Lindsay said. “I have things I’m working on, but
right now it’s just ideas on a white board. I don’t know what it’ll be yet.”

Dealership staying put

The Lindsay family has been a fixture since the 1970s in the Brice Road-Scarborough Boulevard area, where it operates the
Lindsay Honda and Lindsay Acura car dealerships. They’ve seen the area rise through the 1980s as a retail hot spot and
they’ve seen it decline in the past 15 years as stores closed or moved to newer, more appealing retail centers. One of
those was Meijer, which closed the Brice Road store in favor of a bigger version in Canal Winchester.

Lindsay said he is working with Stephen Tucker, senior vice president of Robert Weiler Co., to market the property but
there isn’t a solid plan yet.

But he offered some clarity. While the site could include some auto-related operation given his car selling business,
Lindsay has no plans of moving his dealerships to the site. The dealerships are landlocked with no room to expand, he
acknowledged, but that isn’t a concern because vehicle inventory turns fast enough that the space never feels constrained.

“Why change a good thing?” he said. “We’re right on the freeway.”

Also, the gasoline station on the site will remain, Lindsay said, and will sell #compressednaturalgas as a fuel
alternative. #CleanFuelsOhio lists four compressed natural gas stations in the state – one on Alum Creek Drive, one at the
Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio’s Grove City headquarters and sites in Newark and Coshocton.

Lindsay said he owns a startup business, CNG Trans Ltd., that will convert pumps at service stations to dispense compressed
natural gas.

Positive signs

#MarketPlaceoftheAmericas, a 185,000-square-foot indoor marketplace.

#SBCapitalGroupLLC , an affiliate of Columbus retail magnate #JaySchottenstein , stepped in to buy 15 of J.C. Penney’s
outlets to convert them into JC’s 5 Star Outlet, a new retailer that will be supplied by J.C. Penney but operated by SB